The classic definition of God offered by believers is “the uncreated Creator” who exists from all eternity. A common argument from atheists and skeptics is that if all things need a cause, then God must also need a cause and must have been created.

Whatever we believe, we all agree that we can’t get something from nothing, it just goes against all logic. Nothing cannot create something, especially a well-ordered universe like ours. It is an aberration to believe that there is no “external force” and that the universe at its beginning was created out of nothing.

So where does the original particle from which everything was created come from? How do you explain it if you do not believe in God?

How does science explain the beginning of the universe?

The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment, there was nothing; after that moment, there was something: our universe.   

According to that theory, our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something. Where did it come from? We don’t know. Why did it appear? We don't know.

Apart from that hard-to-believe theory, the other option is God. The only logical conclusion open to us is that a spiritual, self-sustaining God exists and has existed eternally, and that His nature must be very different than the nature of matter. If we don’t really know what is that uncreated Creator, what we do know is that there are two categories: the things that came to be (the created things), and the “thing” that was already there and that never came to be, a timeless eternal “thing” who cannot have a cause.

Now the question is: What is this “something” that has been around forever?

Whatever is the cause of what is now must be quite different than what is. You, me, the computer or the smartphone or whatever you are reading this on, everything you are seeing, came into being and it will go out of being, it will disappear in time. The guy who created the computer is not in the computer, running around and changing the numbers on the screen, right? The God who created this universe is outside of the universe. He’s above it, beyond it, in it, through it… unlimited by time, space or matter.

Let’s consider this view logically:

1.    If there ever was a time when absolutely nothing existed, nothing would exist now.

2.    Something exists now.

3.    Therefore, there was never a time when absolutely nothing existed.

In order to recognize that a Designer is the best explanation of the appearance of design in the universe, one needn't be able to explain the Designer.

Creation was a supernatural event; it took place outside of the natural realm and there is a Master Architect out there. We know that this universe had a beginning and God was the "First Cause". 

Final Thoughts                                                                         

If you ask the question “Who created God?”, then you’re thinking of the wrong God. Because God (the uncreated Creator of the universe) cannot fit in our little brain. If He did, He would not be worth worshiping.

Eventually, both theories have to be taken by faith, but I find it easier to believe that there is a Creator who created everything, even if He cannot be explained rationally. In my opinion, the “belief” system of atheists is not viable, it doesn’t stand, and it is much more based on blind and unplausible belief than mine!

What do you think?